Autentikus cigány tánc a Kalyi jag és az Etnorom zenéjére táncolva


President: Kelemen Miklósné - Katika

Tel: 06-70/518-0165; 06-20/594-8099

E-mail: gyurcsik. arnold@t-online. hu csillszem@gmail.com



The association was established eight years ago. Our performances are about traditional Gypsy dance onto the world-famous music of Kályi Jag. Several appearances and acknowledgements prove our work.

At the Győr international Folkdance Festival we won the first prize of public poll. Under the name of EUROMA Karaván our group had traveled around Hungary and made hundreds of performances together with Kályi Jág.These events had a great succes at all places. The unique dresses are made by one of the lead dancer, Mónika.
More foreign country invitations were received (Austria, Turkey, Italy, Greece).
The group also took part in a rock opera called "Roma Legend" settled by Gusztáv Varga.

Our goal is to keep our wonderful culture and tradition and show to as many people as possible all around the world. Our program's character is cultural, entertaining, educational so all kinds of gathering could be an opportunity for plays.

In case you'll find our group interesting for you and would like to see us on one of your programs in future please contact us on one of the above mentioned ways. E-mail or phone are recommended. Contact name : Kelemen Miklósné, Katika.

Thank you for your interest.
Country: Hungary
Website: http://www.csillszem.mlap.hu

Weblap látogatottság számláló:

Mai: 1
Tegnapi: 1
Heti: 1
Havi: 11
Össz.: 3 929

Látogatottság növelés
Oldal: Cs. Gy. M. E.
CSILLOGÓ GYÖNGYSZEMEK MŰVÉSZETI EGYESÜLET - © 2008 - 2024 - csillszem.hupont.hu

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